child of the moon,being raised by the sun.lover of the nature.

5 Haziran 2013 Çarşamba

Occupy Turkey

Tum olaylarin basladigi yer Istanbul,Turkiye'de basta hersey bir parkla ilgiliydi. Gezi Parki bildiginiz uzere, alinan ve imar planina aykiri olan bir karar ile, yikilip AVM (Topcu Kislasi adi altinda) yapilacakti. Bir gun ansizin dozerler girdi ve agaclari yikmaya basladi. Bunun uzerine, bir topluluk gezi parkina gitti ve kitap okuyarak,cadir kurarak,cok bariscil bir sekilde gezi parkinin yikilmasini engellemeye koyuldu. Bir gun sabah 5 sularinda, Gezi Parki'ndaki polisler eylemcilerin cadirlarini yakti. Ardindan iste polisin baslattigi olay devam etti. Gaz bombalari, tazyikli su ile gezi parkinda sadece kitap okuyarak oturan masum insanlara saldirmaya basladi. Ve artik olay bir Gezi Parki'nin yikilip yerine AVM yapilacak olmasindan cikti, polisin orantisiz guc kullanarak, hic bir sekilde polise saldirmayan, cevreye zarar vermeyen sucsuz insanlara saldirmasina donustu. Bunun uzerine Istanbul halki, Avrupa, Anadolu yakasi olsun, heryerden ayaklandi. Polis durmak bilmedi. Boylece, Izmir, Ankara, Adana, Hatay, Van, Rize, Trabzon olsun Turkiye'nin 78 ilinde halk ayaklandi. Halk nerede ayaklandiysa, polisler oraya gitti ve halka saldirdi. Gaz bombasinin turunu degistirdi, daha guclu bir bomba kullanmaya basladilar. Polisin yani sira, polisle beraber yuruyen sopali sivil insanlar turemeye basladi ki bunlar hukumet yanlilari. Tek basina yakaladiklari insanlari, kiz, erkek, coluk cocuk demeden olesiye dovduler. Bu olay, dogayi korumaktan cikti, hukumetin uyguladigi tum yanlis durumlara tepki oldu. En sonunda halkimiz uyandi ve hukumetin yaptigi butun yasaklamalara, hayatlarimiza mudahaleye karsi tepkisini gosterdi. Hala da gostermeye devam ediyor. Polis ve yanindaki sopali adamlar da durmuyor. Basbakan Tayyip Erdogan, basin aciklamasi yapti bu olaylarla ilgili. Ama sadece 2 kere ve 2 tane yaptiktan sonra, Fas, Tunus gezisine cikti. Halki bir basina bu kargasayla yalniz birakti. Yaptigi basin aciklamalarinda ise, dogasi icin tepki gosteren, ardindan polisin saldirganligina maruz kalan halkini sucladi. Hakaret etti. O halk sanki onun halki degilmis gibi, sadece ona oy veren insanlari halki olarak gorerek laflar etti. Bir yandan da, medya; Halk Tv haric hic bir kanal bu olaylari gostermedi. Sessizligini korudu. Sessizligini korumamis olan Samanyolu Tv gibi kanallar ise, halkin polise saldirdigini yazdi. Medyanin sessizliginden dolayi halk twitter'dan direniscilerimize yardima basladi ki cok yararli oldu. Tum dunyaya sosyal medya ile dagittik. Bbc international, Cnn international, reuters gibi dunyanin medyasi Turkiye'de durumu gostermek icin orada canli yayin yapti.
Ben Turkiye'de olmadigim icin, Italya'da oldugum icin buyuk bir huzun icindeydim. Sonrasinda sosyal medyayi cok verimli kullanmaya bakarak, eyleme giden arkadaslarima ve diger tum arkadaslarimiza yardim etmeye calistim. Bilgi yaymaya calistim. Bunun yaninda, Italya'da da arkadaslarimizi bilinclendirdik. Ve Sardunya adasinda toplandik. Okulumuzdan profesorler geldi bize destek oldu. Sardunya gazetecileri geldi ve gazeteye cikacagimizi soyledi. Buradaki insanlar cok bilincli, bilmeyen cok az kesim vardi ki onlara da anlatarak bilinclendirdik. Sonrasinda butun pankartlari da okula asmamiza izin verildi. Turkiye yalniz degilsin, senin yanindayiz. Bu bariscil bir harekettir. Polisin siddete son vermesi lazim. Siddet olmadigi zaman, parklarda insanlarimiz kitap okuyor, dans ediyor, tam festivalmis gibi hareket ediyor. Lutfen boyle devam etsin!


All these things started in Istanbul,Turkey for just one park at the beginning. As you know Gezi Parki (in the city centre of Istanbul,Taksim) is decided to demolished for building a shopping mall (would be called Topcu Kislasi) by a decision which is totally against to master plan of Istanbul. One day, suddenly bulldozers came into the park and started to demolish the trees. For this reason, a group went to Gezi Parki and started to block demolish in park with reading books, living in tents in a peaceful way. One day, around 5 a.m. police at Gezi Parki burnt the tents of activists. After this, that case which was started by police went on. They started to attack innocent people in park, who were just reading books and sitting in peace, with teargas and pressurized water. And this case became that police attacked with lopsided power to innocent people who didn't attack the police, didn't harm the environment from demolishin the trees and building the shopping mall. Because of this, people in Istanbul, in Europeand and Anatolian part, started to protest this situation. Police didn't stop. Thus, people in 78 cities in Turkey such as Izmir, Ankara, Adana, Hatay, Van, Rize, Trabzon started to protest. Whereever people started to protest, police went there and attacked people. Police changed the type of gas, they started to use another and more strong and harmful gas. With the police, some people with thick sticks started to attack, these people are supporter of the government derived. They beat innocent people (they didn't care if you are a boy, a girl or a child) whom they found alone, like they want to kill them. This situation is not only about protecting the environment, it became a reaction to the wrong decisions of government. At last, our public has woken up and protested all things that the government decided against to our life, and banned.They are still protesting. Police and the people with sticks behind the police don't stop. Prime minister did press statements about these cases. But he did only 2 press statements and after those 2 press statements, he went to Morocco and Tunisia. He left the public alone with this situation. In those press statements, he blamed the people who protected the park and are exposed to the police violence. He insulted the innocent people. He talked like these people are not the public of the government which he is in, like just the only people who voted for him are public of the government. On the other hand, media; except for Halk Tv, channels didn't show anything about these. They kept their silence. Channels like Samanyolu Tv didn't keep their silence but they showed like public attacked the police. Because of the silence of media, people started to use twitter a lot and helped activists and it is so helpful. We spreaded all things to the world by social media. World media like BBC international, CNN international, Reuters did alive programs in Turkey to show the situations to the world. 
I was so upset because of being in Italy instead of being in Turkey. I tried to help my friends in these cases and all people with using the social media so good. I tried to spread the informations. Also, we gave all informations to our friends in Italy. And we met in Sardegna for Turkey. Proffessors from our university came and supported us. Reporters from Sardegna newspaper came and they told us that they would publish us. People here are so conscious, there are less people who dont know the situations in Turkey, but we also told everything them too. Putting all banners on the wall of our university has been allowed. Turkey, you're not alone. We're with you. This is a peaceful act. Police has to stop using violence. When there is no violence, people read books, dance together, acting like there is a festival in park. Please continue like this!

Bu bariscil bir hareket!
This is a peaceful act!

Ama polis boyle siddet uyguluyor!
But the police use violence like this!

Ve Sardunya'dan Turkiye'mize destek!
And the support from Sardegna to Turkey!