Baya uzun bir suredir blog yazmamistim. Bir sure Turkiye'deki Gezi olaylarindan dolayi yazmak istemedim, ardindan buraya annem, ondan sonra da arkadaslarim gelince yazmaya firsatim olmadi. Simdi Mayis ortasindaki Endulus gezimizin son duragini yazmak istedim.
Granada'ya Malaga'dan sabah otobusle gittik. Granada ile tek merak ettigim La Alhambra idi. Sehirde biraz dolasip, La Alhambra'ya gittik. Alhambra sarayina giris icin sabah erken gitmeniz ve ya uzun bi sure once rezervasyon yaptirmaniz gerekiyor. Biz oglen gittigimiz icin bir tek bahcelerine girebildik. Sansima en cok gormek istedigim kisim bahceleriydi.
Granada, Endulus bolgesindeki en cok Arap esintileri barindiran sehir. Her yerde arapca yazi ve arap tarzi yerler bulunmakta.
I haven't posted a blogpost for a long time. I didn't want to post because of Turkey's situation about Gezi for a while, after that my mom came here for holiday, after her my friends came, so that i couldn't find any time for posting.
Now i wanted to post a blog about the last stop of our Andalucia trip in the middle of May.
We went to Granada by bus from Malaga in the morning. One place i've always wondered about Granada was La Alhambra. After we saw the city little bit, we went to La Alhambra. You have to go early or make a reservation long time ago for the entrance of Alhamra Palace. We could enter only the gardens because we arrived there afternoon. Luckily, the part i always wanted to see was garden of it.
Granada is the city which has the most Arab breeze in Andalucia. There are Arabic writings and places based on Arabic style.
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