child of the moon,being raised by the sun.lover of the nature.

28 Mayıs 2013 Salı

Andalucia, Sevilla

1 gun Malaga'da gecirdikten sonra,2, gunumuzde Sevilla'ya gittik. Her zaman Sevilla'nin ununu,Ispanya'nin en guzel,en buyuk sehirlerinden oldugunu duyuyordum. Gercekten merak etmeye baslamistim.
Sevilla'ya Malaga'dan 2,5 saatlik bir trenle gittik. Ispanya'nin tren sirketi olan Renfe, cok kaliteli, hizli trene binmemis olsaniz da trenleri cok guzel. Sevilla'ya vardigimizda tren istasyonundan hemen taksiye atlayip merkeze gittik ki o kadar uzak degildi.
Once katedraline gittik ki sahaneydi. Koskocaman ve gorkemliydi. Etrafinda biraz dolanip, fotografladiktan sonra katedralin icine girdik. Gorkemli olusu devam ediyordu. Sonra avlusunda biraz oyalanip aciktigimizi farkettik. Katedralin arka tarafinda cok guzel kafeler bulunmakta. Ispanya'da yedigim en guzel paella'nin bulundugu bir kafeye oturduk. Eger Ispanya'ya, ozellikle de bu bolgeye gidiyorsaniz, ana yemekten cok bir kac tat deneyebileceginiz tapaslardan siparis edin, bence.
Yemegimizi yedikten sonra dolasa dolasa Plaza Espana'ya gittik. Gercekten Plaza Espana'da da sahanelikten cok etkilendim. Cok egzotik ve cok otantikti. Zaten Plaza Espana'ya gidene kadar, Sevilla'ya sehir olarak bayildim. Kesinlikle gidip gorulmesi gereken bir sehir. Plaza Espana'dan sonra, Alcazaba'ya gittik; icine girmedik ama etrafinda bakinirken farkettikki ilk geldigimiz katedral noktasinin karsisi direk alcazabaymis. Alcazaba'dan sonra, Plaza San Francisco'da kahve,sangria ve tatli molasi verdik. Boylece Sevilla'daki gunumuzu bitirip, trenimizle Malaga'ya donduk.


After we spent our 1 day in Malaga, we went to Sevilla in our second day. I've always heard that Sevilla was one of the beautiful and big cities of Spain and also Sevilla's fame. I've really started to wonder.
We went to Sevilla from Malaga by train which took 2,5 hours. The spanish train company that is called renfe is so qualified, even if you don't take the fast trains, all trains are so good. We arrived Sevilla, immediately we took a cap to the city centre of Sevilla which is not so far away from the train station. 
First we went to the Cathedral which is absolutely amazing. It was huge and pulling. After we walked and took pictures around the cathedral, we went inside of the cathedral. Awesomeness of the cathedral continued inside too. Then we spent some time in the patio of cathedral. We realized that we were hungry. In the behind of the cathedral, there were so nice cafes. We went to a cafe where i ate the best paella in Spain. If you go to Spain, especially this part of Spain, you should order several tapas for tasting different types of cuisine instead of ordering the main dishes.
After we had our lunch, we went to Plaza Espana by foot and in the meantime we saw the city. I was really affected by the awesomeness of Plaza Espana.It was so egsotic and otantic. Actually while we were walking to Plaza Espana, i really adored Sevilla, i mean the whole city. It totally has to be visited. After Plaza Espana, we went to Alcazaba but we didn't get inside but while we were walking around of it, we realized that we were at the same point that we came to the cathedral at first. We gave a pause for coffee,sangria and desserts at Plaza San Francisco after alcazaba. We finished our day in Sevilla like this, we went back to Malaga by train again.

21 Mayıs 2013 Salı

Andalucia; Málaga

Gecen hafta ailemle beraber Andalucia gezisi gerceklestirdik. Onlar Istanbul'dan direk Malaga'ya geldiler. ben buradan Malaga'ya direk ucus olmadigi icin once Barcelona'ya, Barcelona'da cok beklemeden Malaga'ya uctum. Annemlerden once varmistim otele. Onlari 2,5 ay sonra gorucek olmamin heyecaniyla vakit gecmek bilmiyordu. Bi yandan cok yorgundum, yol yorgunu. Her dakka uyumaya calistim onlar gelene kadar. 6 saat kadar bekleme ve uyku modunda vaktimi gecirmeye calistim. Ama yine de cok beklediginiz olaylarda saat hep ayni civarda dolaniyor, dakika gecmek bilmiyor gibi oluyor. Ve geldiler. Tabi hepimiz de guzel bir mutluluk,heyecan. Ve yeni bir sehri kesfetme heyecani. 
Malaga'da 4 gece kaldik. 1 gun Sevilla'ya, 1 gun de Granada'ya gittik. Ilk gunumuz zaten yarim gundu. Malaga'yi gezdik. Son gunumuzu de Malaga'ya ayirdik. Ilk gun, bu yarim gunumuzde merkeze yururken, bir anda bir faytoncu bizle pazarlik yapmaya, fiyati indirmeye basladi. Ne oldugumuzu anlayamadan, ac karnimizi daha doyuramadan kendimizi faytonda bulduk ve 1 saate yakin faytonla sehir turu yaptik. Tabi bu sayede rahat gorduk sehri ve rahat fotografladik.
Sonrasinda Marques De Larios caddesinde yuruduk, yemek,sohbet,kahve,magaza dolasmayla ilk gunumuz gecti.
Son gunumuzu tamamen Malaga'da gecirdigimiz icin daha cok sey yapabildik. O gun de annemin dogum gunuydu. Gunduzden, katedral'e gittik,gezdik. Ardindan, Museo Picasso Malaga'ya gittik. Picasso Malaga'da dogmus, fakat 16 yasinda en son Malaga'da bulunmus, sonrasinda hic gelmemis. Bu muzede, ilk calismalari bulunuyor. Malaga'ya gittiyseniz, gormeniz gerekiyor bence. Sonrasinda Alcazaba yani kale ve surlarin oldugu bolgeye gittik fakat icine girip surlarda yurumedik. Son gun oldugu icin oldukca yorgunlugumuz vardi. Ve bir de Malaga'da hala islevde olan boga guresi arenasi bulunmakta. Icine giremedik ama en azindan disini gorebildik. Aksam da annemin dogumgunu icin uzun bir yemekle gunumuzu sonlandirdik. Gittigimiz mekan cok guzeldi. Marriot'a bagli bir otel,terasina ciktik. Terasinda guzel bar ve restaurant var. Adi, Terraza AC Hotel Malaga Palacio diye geciyor. Fiyatlari da boyle muthis bir manzaraya gore cok uygun. Disaridaki restaurantlar gibi. Manzarasina bayildik. Bir taraftan liman, sahildeki muthis palmiye agaclarinin toplulugu gorunurken bir taraftan katedral ve alcazaba gorunuyor.


Last week,we made a trip to Andalucia,Spain with my family. They came from Istanbul directly to Malaga. I flew to Barcelona first because there isn't a direct flight from here to Malaga,after without waiting so long i flew to Malaga from Barcelona. I arrived the hotel before my parents. Time couldn't pass because after 2,5 months i would see them. Otherwise i was so tired because of the journey. Until they arrive, i tried to sleep. I tried to spend 6 hours with sleeping and waiting them. But the time was always like the same, was like around same hour, minutes couldn't pass when you wait for something really bad. And they arrived. We were surely so excited and happy. And the excitement of discovering the new city.
We stayed in Malaga for 4 nights. We spent our 1 day in Sevilla and other 1 day in Granada. Our first day was a half day that we saw Malaga. We spent our last day in Malaga too. First day, in our half day while we were walking to the city centre, suddenly a coachman started to bargain with us,started to discount the price.Without understanding what happened,without being fulled up, we found ourselves on the surrey. And with that surrey we made a city tour that took around 1 hour. Sure, with this opportuniy, we saw the city and took pictures easily. After that we walked along the Marques De Larios street, our first day passed with dinner, drinking coffee and sangria,shopping.
Last day we made lots of things in Malaga because spent the whole day there. That day was also my mom's birthday. In the afternoon, we saw the Malaga cathedral. After that, we went to Museo Picasso Malaga. Picasso was born in Malaga, but the last time he has been to Malaga is when he was 16, after 16 he didn't come to Malaga again. There are first drawings of Picasso in this museum. If you go to Malaga, definitely you should see this museum. After seeing this museum, we went to Alcazaba where there are castles and city walls, however we didn't get inside and walk inside of the city walls. We were so tired because of the last day of our trip. And there is also an arena which is still used for bullfights. We couldn't get inside of it but at least we saw the arena building. We finished our day with a good dinner for my mom's birthday. The restauran we went was so perfect. The hotel belongs to marriot, we went to the rooftop of it. There is a good restaurant which is called Terraza AC Hotel Malaga Palacio. The prices of this restaurant is not so expensive,is so suitable price although it has an incredible city view. Prices are like the other restaurants. We adore the view of it. When you can see the port and the community of the palm trees from one side, from the other side you can see the cathedral and alcazaba.